Be present. Be Heard.
Join us to turn post-traumatic stress into growth with the power of storytelling and mindfulness. It’s easier with someone who has been through it.
Share insights and wisdom.
Share powerful personal stories about challenges, hardships, transformation, and growth. These stories evoke strong emotions and have the power to create much-needed human relationships. By adding hashtags to your story, you have a way to connect with your unique group of supporters.
“Be there” for each other.
Offer support simply by being present and holding a positive intent towards a recipient. It can be a prayer, loving-kindness, gratitude, etc. What you give to the other person is non-monetary and non-material, yet invaluable — it’s your time, your experience, and undivided attention.
Research and Education
Ommie is conducting independent research for Stanford Medicine, Compassion and Altruism Research and Education program (CCARE). If you’d like to participate in our research studies or attend our well-being workshops, please email

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“When a living system is suffering from ill health, the remedy is found by connecting to more of itself.” — Francisco Varela Find Ommie on Social:
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